Since 2021, MGIMO has been actively participating in the national state programme "Priority-2030". The main aim of the programme is to create new scientific knowledge, technologies and inventions to be implemented in Russian economy and social field by the leading Russian universities. The Russian Schools Abroad project (RSA) is one of five strategic projects implemented by the MGIMO-University within this programme.
The Russian Schools Abroad project responds to the existing need of Russian-speaking citizens and foreigners for qualified secondary and extracurricular Russian-language education outside the Russian Federation. As a driver of the development of the educational ecosystem of MGIMO schools in the international arena, RSA acts both as an educational integrator, ensuring the presence of Russian-speaking education abroad, and as an open communication platform to discuss contemporary didactic innovations and learning cultures.
The project aims to open at least 15 RSA schools by the year 2030. In 2022, the first two schools are to be opened - in Tashkent (Republic of Uzbekistan), Bishkek (Kyrgyz Republic).
The Russian Schools Abroad project focuses on key problems in Russian-language education abroad - its lack of accessibility, the quality of educational programmes, the shortage of professionally qualified teachers, and the unsatisfactory status of final educational documents.
In the context of growing uncertainty and instability, RSA offers the development of additional educational opportunities for Russian-speaking families with children and for all those interested in the Russian language and culture, namely:
Providing quality educational content in both the humanities and mathematics, as well as additional educational activities to educate young people in a paradigm of transforming experiences of different cultures and life-long learning, unlocking the individual potential of every child. A student of RSA is a person of peace, educated, active, proactive, and open to other cultures.
Dissemination and development of modern high-tech educational practices and didactical innovations through the highest professional level of RSA specialists and teachers, including experts of the Interdepartmental Department of Educational Systems and Pedagogical Technologies of MGIMO under the guidance of V. Yasvin and teachers of the Gorchakov Lyceum of MGIMO.
The possibility of passing the State Final Examination (GIA) in the formats of State Unified Exams for Grade 9 and Grade 11 with receiving an official Russian State Certificate.
Provision of a modern secure digital environment through the use of a unified digital educational platform.
Ability to customize the implementation format of each individual educational project of the RSA and to sel ect educational programmes taking into account the current situation, the cultural specifics of the country and the region, as well as the needs of the end user.
The main vector of the "Russian Schools Abroad" project is to create an international network of partner educational institutions. On the basis of this network, educational programmes for basic and additional secondary education according to the Gorchakov Lyceum of MGIMO model (MGIMO-Component, grades 8-11) and EP (examination point) officially accredited by Rosobrnadzor and authorised to conduct the State Final Examination (GIA) in a particular country are opened in each country within the project. In this way, the project implements a unique format of the 'double certificate' programme, which makes it possible to obtain an educational document on school graduation fr om both the country in which a particular student resides and a Russian State certificate of basic general or secondary (complete) general education.
Key facts
15 schools are to be opened abroad by the year 2030
Admission with a pathway to MGIMO and other leading Russian and foreign universities of the humanitarian and economic profile
230+ students in Russian Schools Abroad
70+ highly professional teachers
15+ courses in Russian language
Double certification educational programmes
A personalized approach to children's learning based on the analysis of learning and motivation data
An active community of enterprising, creative, academically oriented children and adults
An innovative learning environment offering a variety of academic tracks and role models
Preparing for an international career with practical knowledge
Advanced preparation for the Final Russian State Exam (GIA)
A digital education platform
International volunteering
High academic results: 6 honours certificates in 2022 and the first ever 100 points Final State Exam result (Russian language) in 2021.