The educational institutions of the Russian School Abroad, opened on the model of "lyceum classes", implement the dual certification programme. This means that the two national educational standards are synchronized. Full implementation of the Russian FSES provides an opportunity to prepare for the Unified State Examination (USE), the successful passing of which leads to a Russian Certificate of Educational Achievement. Thus, it is a double advantage for the graduate and the applicant.
The teaching process is organized on the basis of practices and pedagogical technologies of the Gorchakov Lyceum of MGIMO. Work on standards’ synchronization is carried out separately with each partner school. The Gorchakov Lyceum methodologists and teachers together with the school team develop the curriculum so that it can meet the legal requirements and educational standards of both the host country and the Russian Federation. Experts also take into account the parents' request to include certain educational programmes into the curriculum.
The Russian component of the curriculum is designed to provide the full and systematic coverage of subject programmes in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards: FSES for the years 8 and 9 of basic general education, and FSES for the years 10 and 11 of secondary general education. Training sessions are coordinated with the USE preparation system. The teaching process in the groups is reinforced by extracurricular activities and supplementary subject programmes.
Educational standards
Distinguishing features of the RSA academic programme based on the "Lyceum Classes" model: