MGIMO Lyceum in Tashkent organizes summer educational intensive in cooperation with the MGIMO Gorchakov Lyceum

01 june 2023
On June 1, the MGIMO Lyceum in Tashkent launched a summer educational intensive for 10th grade students, which is being held with the assistance of teachers from the MGIMO Gorchakov Lyceum. The intensive includes classes in Russian, English, social studies, history and math.

The purpose of the educational intensives is to prepare students for the state final attestation, including the final essay, which will be traditionally held in December 2023. Successful completion of this exam will allow them to get admission to the GIA in the format of the Unified State Exam in 2024.

It is important to note that the main educational period is over, but the lyceum students do not stop there. In addition to students, teachers of the MGIMO Lyceum in Tashkent are also improving their knowledge in preparation for the GIA.

Collaboration with the MGIMO Gorchakov Lyceum will allow students of the MGIMO Lyceum in Tashkent to receive a quality education and prepare for successful completion of the state final certification. This, in turn, will increase their chances of admission to leading universities in Russia and the world.

The Summer Educational Intensive will be an excellent opportunity for students to deepen their knowledge and prepare for upcoming exams. Teachers will be able to exchange experiences and improve their teaching methods, which will eventually improve the quality of education in general.

Educational intensives are held within the framework of the Strategic Project "Russian Schools Abroad" under the development program "Priority 2030" in order to popularize Russian education and prepare foreign applicants for admission to Russian educational institutions and further study in them.
