RSA educational module - implementation of equal opportunities and mobility in education

28 april 2023

Expeditions and events outside the school are organically woven into the life of the Gorchakov MGIMO Lyceum community.

The team of teachers and students is constantly studying the experience of other educational and cultural institutions and sharing best practices with partners.

This philosophy of cooperation ensures the integration of pedagogical and information resources, facilitates the exchange of experience, expands the space of educational opportunities for students and extends partnership map.

Reflection on their own experience, educational model and systematization of internal standards is a constant work carried out by the pedagogical team of Gorchakov Lyceum.

Immersion in a new educational environment is a developmental step for the lyceum students from Tashkent, who have been undergoing practice-oriented training at the Gorchakov Lyceum all last week.

This field educational module is implemented within the strategic development program "Priority 2030". This is the second expedition for partner schools from Uzbekistan in this academic period.

This experience became available for students of Tashkent schools due to the combined creative and organizational efforts of a team of teachers, tutors and supervisors of MGIMO Lyceum.

"A study tour to the MGIMO Lyceum is a unique experience that broadens our horizons, helps us learn more about Russian history and culture, and awaken our creative potential," shares Laziz Ibragimov, a participant of the expedition.

Nazhimidinov emphasizes the relevance of such study sessions for developing social ties that can become an impetus for professional self-determination: "The trip to the MGIMO Lyceum was not only a learning experience for me, but also an opportunity to meet new people, exchange experiences and make contacts for my future career."

An example of such interaction was the meeting of 11th grade students of the Academic Lyceum with Stanislav Surovtsev, MGIMO Vice-Rector for Youth Policy, Social Work and International Relations. On the eve of the visiting module, the students also met with Roman Kotov, MGIMO Rector's Advisor on Pedagogical Programs, General and Secondary Vocational Education and Irina Tsyban, responsible for the implementation of the Russian Schools Abroad project. It was a motivational conversation, setting the team up for productive work in Moscow and continuous self-development.

Meaningful conversations with a variety of role models play an important role in everyone's life and balance the intense academic workload.

The five days of the field educational module included a variety of activities and events. The academic track of the expedition was represented by lessons and electives. Educational sessions in mathematics, history, Russian language, computer science and English alternated with game formats. Brain-ringing and debates in English, a game on urban studies and entrepreneurship, a game on Russian literature and culture of speech - the participants of the intensive got acquainted with a variety of pedagogical practices and technologies.

The linguistic track - in addition to lessons and game formats - included CLIL, a series of special elective courses in English: social studies, law course, literature, country studies, politics, media, economics. A special course on social entrepreneurship and the legal game Fiat Justitia - a simulation of civil court proceedings - made up the vocational guidance component of the Intensive.

Fiat Justitia participants admit that the knowledge gained during the game can be useful in real life: "We learned more about how the judicial process is structured, how specific articles are applied in practice, how regulation is implemented. We can use this knowledge to argue our position. Knowing the law, we can protect ourselves and our relatives".

During the sessions of the special course "Social Entrepreneurship and Small Business Theory" the students studied the needs of the country in the field of different social infrastructures. "It was very interesting to work with the students, they discuss everything in a meaningful and very informative way, they are involved, friendly, thinking, with a great sense of humor", - shares Arina Stolyarova, tutor, host of the special course.

"International Panorama", "Improvisation" show, "Smart Sports" team relay races, excursion to VDNH filled the non-academic program of these days.

"The internship at the Gorchakov MGIMO Lyceum helped us broaden our horizons, meet new people, and show ourselves at incredibly interesting interactives," says Abbos Makhmudov

A team of teachers with impeccable subject expertise has been working with students of the Academic Lyceum since 2019. Among them are the lyceum's leading professionals: Natalia Gurskaya and Alexandra Devina, teachers of literature, Inga Bernikova, mathematician, Yulia Koshik, English teacher and supervisor of the partnership program with schools in Uzbekistan, supervisor of field modules, Natia Diasamidze, English teacher, methodologist.

Irina Tsyban, deputy director of the lyceum, notes the team's well-coordinated work: "Last week we had two full-scale events - in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The start of the big expedition in the city on the Neva and the intensive for students from Tashkent were preceded by systematic and scrupulous preparation of the united class team of the Gorchakovsky Lyceum, which was divided into dozens of working groups. Everything was thought out to the smallest detail, everything was synchronized. The metaphors that come to mind are the performances of aerial gymnasts who are guarding each other".

Anastasia Kuzmina, Deputy Director for Educational Work, adds: "being in St. Petersburg, in the epicenter of substantive and operational work, I felt a sense of unity with the team responsible for the meeting of the Tashkent group and pride. I also felt unconditional faith that at the same time at the lyceum everything was going on in an interesting and new way. And there was a slight feeling of regret that there was no possibility to be involved in the moment.

All teachers unanimously agree that International House Tashkent students are full of enthusiasm and creativity, work with them always inspires, gives energy and strength for new tasks.

"The students are well-read, know a lot from the history of their country, have a good understanding of customs and national mentality. They are worthy representatives of Uzbekistan in the international arena. They have an excellent command of Russian, English, second and third foreign languages. I get great pleasure from working with them. Their drive is transmitted to me, I want to put more and more effort into this interaction and joint work," says Yulia Mikhailovna.

The great potential of partnership programs is that they primarily serve the interests of the individual child and his family. In the labor market, the capitalization of the individual increases, making him stronger, more intelligent, and more competitive.

At the same time, such programs also meet foreign policy interests. Graduates of dual certificate programs become ambassadors of Russian culture around the world. Through personal development we, among other things, implement national priorities by popularizing Russian education, ensuring equal access to it, and increasing academic mobility.
