Students of the Lomonosov School of Bishkek have begun studying in lyceum classes on the model of the Gorchakov Lyceum of MGIMO within the framework of the “Russian Schools Abroad” project

17 september 2022
On September 11-17, 2022 educational intensives of the orientation module of MGIMO Lyceum classes for students in grades 8-11 of the RSA project partner school in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) took place. Russian school Abroad project is implemented within the framework of the Priority 2030 strategic development programme. Thus, the second school of the RSA project was launched in the Kyrgyz Republic.

Russian colleagues gave lessons in Russian language, literature, mathematics, social studies, English and consultations for 8th-11th graders and teachers. The programme of linguistic training of MGIMO Lyceum classes includes an in-depth study of English, therefore during the field trip the teachers worked intensively with the students in small groups and developed individual recommendations for the preparation of each class for the final assessment according to the Russian standard.

The teachers discussed with the students the principles of organisation of the Russian state exams OGE/ESE and variants of examination tasks. They practiced the most difficult assignments, the oral part of the exam in Russian for 9th graders and the essay for 11th graders. The students took a lively interest in the lessons of Social sciences: at the end of the work eleventh-graders gave a standing ovation to the teacher of the Gorchakov lyceum Andrey Novakov. The toughest critics - children - appreciated the professionalism of the Gorchakov lyceum team. "I want to learn more and more", the pupils wrote in their feedback, which means that in a short time of the intensive module the teachers managed to stimulate cognitive interest, which is the key to successful learning.

The development of the staff of the partner school is an important part of the cooperation between the partners. Each MGIMO Lyceum teacher gave methodological consultations on their subject for Kyrgyz colleagues, with a focus on preparation for state examinations and modern methods of presenting the material.

On September, 11-17, the programme of further professional education "Model of tutor support in lyceum classes" was also started within the educational session, led by Deputy Director of Gorchakov lyceum A.V. Kuzmina. Within the educational session the Lomonosov school management and teaching staff will study online the practices and tools applied tight by the MGIMO Gorchakov Lyceum specialists. The successful implementation of individual educational plans is directly connected with the development of tutor competences in teachers who work with children - the concept of MGIMO Lyceum model suggests that every teacher should have a tutee. By combining the role of a teacher and a tutor, a teacher can choose the most effective teaching tactics for each student. As the practice of Gorchakov Lyceum shows, the educational process becomes more productive and humanised.

On September, 16, 2022, the Director of Odintsovo branch of MGIMO E.A. Kozlovskaya and President of Lomonosov School N.B. Turdakunova signed a network agreement on implementation of educational programmes for grades 8-11, approving the list of subjects and scope of educational programmes taking into account the Russian component. The Russian Schools Abroad project provides for Russian and Kyrgyz certificates to be awarded to lyceum students upon successful graduation from the programme and passing the USE/UGE examinations.
